Sunday, June 30, 2013

Comedy central

Today adam my dad and i went to see daniel tosh who has his own show that im in love with

It was hilarious

water proof camera

Taken Saturday June 29

Friday, June 28, 2013

not so happy family

this is my family

it all started at around 9:00am

my mom walked into my room and told me i was going to do community service

11:00am and im still in bed so i get up and she is no where to be found
so i go back to bed

When i finally wake up at 2pm im so frustrated i wasted my day

i have to do community service and i have to get stuff for my trip at target

i express how upset i am at myself

i over think and before i know it im in tears because im so frustrated

then my mom came into my room to ask me questions

somehow in all my anger i said i hate myself

although its true, i hate myself because i know im just not good enough nothing to do with my family

before  i know it my mom is yelling at me for having an attitude 

then i tell her i sometimes say sorry to just shut her up but im being completely sincere this time and im willing to work on my tone

then my whole family got into a fight and somehow my mom convinced herself i said i hate her

then my dad left at about 4:30pm

he called me about an hour later to tell me he just needed some air 

at 8:45 i hear the clanking of high heels on the wood floor

my mom walked into my room to tell me she was leaving

at 9:10 my dad finally comes home

within twenty minutes he leaves to go find my mom

11:00 hes home and says my mom wasnt listening so he left her

she just came home at 1:30

by 2am my father has told me that my mom will be leaving until tuesday and staying in our condo in colorado

i leave for 32 days on Wednesday on my teen tour and i wont see her until i come home

Thursday, June 27, 2013


during the school year i wake up at 6:45am every weekday, but during the weekend i cant sleep past 8am

over the summer its a whole new story

I stay up watching movies until i realize its too late

4am comes and im not tired

but when 6am comes i try to sleep and eventually find myself waking up at some time between 2pm-3pm

so i decided to share my favorite movies

since they can keep me up all night

first on my list in no specific order is 


after all who wouldnt wanna see hugh jackman like this 

21 jumpstrett 

and of course dave franco 


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Monday, June 24, 2013


everyone has an addiction wheather or not they accept it is up to them

but like most girls my addiction is

online shopping

you order something super cute and sit at the door waiting for it for 3-5 days like 

but anyways since im super excited to get what i ordered i wanted to share it


Sunday, June 23, 2013

my day

so today i activated my facebook

yeah its kinda gay and the newest post on it was from May 22, 2012 but whatever

I only wanted my facebook to meet the people on my teen tour which im super excited for

I leave next Wednesday (todays sunday) so nine days.

So thats where im going :)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

only friend

my one friend's name is Adam, hes my boyfriend.

i trust him with everything

hes the only person who makes me happy

hes the one person who hasn't left me, or at least yet.

the only thing ive learned since we started dating is that i have no expectations for friends and it always ruins me in the end. I need more friends like adam who will text me good mourning and act as if they care and will engage in pointless conversation with me. 

hes my life.

my friends

my friends...

will text me everyday and tell me they miss me and want to hang out but wont invite me to there party

will abandone me after seven years of being my best friend

will never have time for me but will always have time for there other friends or make time for a party

will go days without texting me

will keep everything a secret from me

will only text me when they need something

will make excuses not to hang out with me

will be rude to me in front of their other friends

will leave me when i need them most

will replace me

will tell others my secrets

will betray me

will never genuinely care for me or anything i have to say

will disappear

will leave me with unanswered questions

basically, i dont have true friends.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


It seems as if i am always waiting for things. I don't have a car so i have to wait for my parents to drive me places. Then i have to wait for my friends so come but i dont even know when they are coming because they dont know when there parents get off of work.

Is it so hard for people to be reliable?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


they approached my hair and proudely cut seven inches off of my hair.

Monday, June 17, 2013


i decided to make this blog to talk about me, so later i can look back and see exactly how i felt on a certain day.

July 18, 2013
2:24 am

Technically, i am referring to yesterday or about 3 hours ago.

i spent the day with my boyfriend. We went swimming however he forgot a bathing suit and had to wear an old pair of soccer shorts of mine. A
fter we both took showers and sat in my room for hours just watching breaking bad on netflix.
a photo from today:

I then mad a kit kat m&m cake

So i guess nows a good time to write down a little about my boyfriend.
His birthday is June 9, and weve been friends for 4 years and have been dating for over 4 months. Hes my best friend, and basically my only true friend. Hes the sweetest guy although hes immature as hell. Hes twenty months older then me, and one grade above me. His parents are nice and my parents adore him. Both of his parents have my number on speed dial just in case.  The photo below is from his birthday dinner a week ago.

its a first

So i guess itd be a good idea to start this blog the way anyone else would...

hi my name is Jen

My birthday is February 15 (so im an aquarius)
My favorite color is black, because black is the darkest shade of every single color
I live in Florida; south florida not the hillbilly part.

I suppose i made this blog to improve my writing, express myself, i'm not really sure but it sounded like a good idea in my head

im a typical teenager
im sarcastic
hating life
always bored
in love with food

i dont really read any other blogs so i dont even know what i should be writing or what others would write so ill just day this play by day posting pictures from my life.

Also, i know i have terrible grammar, spelling and punctuation.

so now you can enjoy this picture of me